Bone Health and Menopause: What's the Connection?

Episode 22: Bone Health and Menopause: What's the Connection?

October is National Menopause Awareness Month, an opportunity to educate women about changes that can occur in the body during this phase of life. The average age of menopause is 51 and can bring on hormonal fluctuations and hot flashes, among other things. During this time, declining estrogen levels can also cause bone loss, in turn increasing your risk of osteoporosis.

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In this episode of Bone Talk, we are pleased to be speaking with Dr. Sharon Allison-Ottey. Dr. Allison-Ottey is an energetic and engaging speaker, author, health educator/physician and health strategist/consultant. She is the CEO of CARLDEN Inc. and Beautiful Woman Inside and Out, Inc. and is also the Executive Director of The COSHAR Foundation. Dr. Allison-Ottey serves as the Health Strategist for several national companies and organizations and develops and oversees programmatic agendas with long- and short-term strategies ensuring effectiveness and achievement of goals. She completed her medical degree from East Carolina University School of Medicine and a three-year residency program in Internal Medicine at Union Memorial Hospital. It was during her residency training that she developed a keen interest in the elderly and subsequently completed an additional two-year fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at the same institution. 


No Pause in Menopause Roundtable: Please join HealthyWomen each Wednesday in October at 1p.m. EDT/10 a.m. PDT for a series of webinars discussing menopause. Click here for details!

Aging Smart, Aging Well: How Women Make Decisions About Their Health in the 21st Century HealthyWomen and WebMD present findings from a nationwide initiative targeting the health and well-being information needs of women ages 40 and older. Click here to read more.