Learning Resilience With Mark McEwen

Episode 32: Learning Resilience With Mark McEwen


In this episode of BoneTalk, National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) Trustee Barbara Hannah Grufferman is joined by longtime friend, Mark McEwen, to talk about the power of resilience when it comes to matters of the body and mind. You’ll be inspired by learning about all that Mark has done and how he’s overcome his health challenges. You’ll also hear about Barbara’s personal story and the events that motivated her to connect with NOF. Like many women, she was not aware of the loss of bone density until she had an accident. The resulting injury and subsequent treatment was just the beginning of her story. Both Barbara and Mark share insights into how they approach challenges to lead impactful and fulfilling lives!

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Meet Mark

Mark McEwen has achieved a success most people only dream about and became one of America’s most trusted newsmen. He became synonymous with morning news during his time at CBS. 

For over 15 years at CBS, Mark served in a variety of high-profile positions, including anchor of CBS This Morning for three years. He is perhaps best known as the weatherman and entertainment reporter for The Early Show.

From The Morning Program to CBS This Morning to The Early Show, Mark was a mainstay on the CBS early news since first joining the network. He snagged a Who’s Who of big interviews, including five Presidents, Academy Award winners, musicians and athletes.

After being on the network, Mark moved to Orlando to anchor the local news and spend more time with his family. Mark was at the top of his game when he suffered a stroke. Recovering from that stroke has brought Mark to where he is today. 

A Stroke Survivor

In 2005, at the height of his career, Mark suffered a stroke, and everything changed. He was initially misdiagnosed and a few days later, on a flight home, he had a massive stroke. He was not aware of any signals or early signs related to potential health concerns surrounding strokes. 

Today’s conversation is about his health journey. He stresses the need for prevention, so you don’t have to experience a setback. Mark credits his success in recovery to his willingness to face the challenge in front of him and do what it took to regain his strength. 

Everyone is Dealing With Something

Mark’s positive outlook is contagious. He reminds us that we are not alone. Surround yourself with people who can help you and be there for others when you can. Mark and Barbara, both optimists, talk about resilience and how to embrace life with a positive, life-affirming outlook.