Boost Bone Health: Online Class, Lecture, and Q&A

An early Halloween treat that has virtually no calories!  And is actually, VIRTUAL!
Thursday, October 20, 3pm – 4pm ET

Join DO40 member and 2022 Legacy Honoree Linda Rose Iennaco for a special VIRTUAL lecture/demonstration Boost Bone Health, tailored for those with concerns about bone health, balance, mobility, comfort and appearance. Formerly on the faculty at Marymount Manhattan College teaching Functional Anatomy to Personal Trainers, Linda is a master teacher and serves on the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation Ambassador Leadership Council. Linda’s specialty is teaching movement and carriage patterns to general and special populations (Parkinson’s, Arthritis and Osteoporosis). 

Please join Linda on Thursday, October 20th, 3 – 4pm EST, World Osteoporosis Day, for her FREE virtual participatory lecture/demonstration, Boost Bone Health.

Click here to learn more and register. Please select Quick Checkout when registering. You will receive a confirmation letter for your registration that will include the Zoom link for this program. If you are having difficulty with registration, please email the registration department at or give them a call at 646-505-5708.

Linda is an expert in functional fitness.  She received an advance certificate in fitness and personal training from Marymount Manhattan College, where she became a member of the faculty in 1994.  She has created the signature programs, Bare Bones of AnatomyExercise with Ease, Balance and Bones and TAPaerobics for dancers – and people of all abilities – including those living with neurological and movement disorders, osteoporosis, respiratory and pulmonary disease, joint injuries and joint replacement can benefit from Linda’s expertise.  Her goal is to show everyone how to have a better day today than they did yesterday by adding movement to their daily lives.  She believes everybody has the potential for joyful, pain-free living.
From fellow dancer and friend, Kathy Conry:  Linda Rose Iennaco is one of my oldest and dearest friends! We met while doing "No No, Nanette" on Broadway in 1970 and have stayed close friends through the last 50+ years! Besides being one of the finest tap dancers/teachers around she is a highly respected fitness instructor with an emphasis on working with us more mature adults. I hope you'll check out the link & consider attending the FREE Demonstration/Lecture on October 20th!  If you aren't available, please consider forwarding this email to someone you know who might benefit from a better knowledge of bone health and how to live pain free and with confidence as we age. I will be there and our new zoom world makes it easy to attend right in your home! The link will tell you even more about Linda's credentials and all the classes, lectures and demonstrations that Linda gives at the Jewish Community Center in New York City and how she can help you be your own advocate to being stronger and more confident in everything you do.  See you there!