December Events for Bone Health

December Events for Bone Health

Posture Power™ and Stepping Out Strong™ are ongoing programs designed to help you move with confidence. Posture Power™ covers the importance of posture and body mechanics to prevent fractures, with quick techniques for safe movement. Postural changes affect our bones and body as we age. Knowing proper alignment and the correct type of exercises can improve postureand help reduce the risk of fractures. In addition, you'll learn the right ways to do youreveryday activities. So stand tall and get the most out of life! Stepping Out Strong™ is a community-oriented program focused on fall prevention to keep people on their feet. Every 13 seconds, an older adult is seen in anemergency department for a fall, and falls are the leading cause of hip fractures. So get your balance checked, and learn simple exercises you can do at home to improve balance, strength and flexibility!

Exercising Your Bones: Part 2 (Alignment)

Exercising Your Bones: Part 2 (Alignment)

Last month we explored how exercise benefits your bones, noting the importance of consistency, progression, and enjoyment in your routine. We identified the three methods of building bone tissue: weight bearing movement, resistance exercise and impact activities. But only focusing on these elements overlooks a key component of essential exercise programming for bone health – that of body alignment, and more specifically, joint positioning.