A Diet Rich in Calcium and Vitamin D Can Improve Health and Add to Your Longevity

A Diet Rich in Calcium and Vitamin D Can Improve Health and Add to Your Longevity

This National Nutrition Month (every year in March) is the perfect time for men and women of all ages – especially parents and their kids — to learn about the importance of eating a well-balanced diet to build strong bones. Diets high in calcium and vitamin D help ensure good bone development, growth, and preservation, which leads to a lifetime of active living.

Keep Moving! Staying strong and mobile is key to long-term bone health. Now, there’s a simple eating plan that can help.

Keep Moving! Staying strong and mobile is key to long-term bone health. Now, there’s a simple eating plan that can help.

A few years back, AARP surveyed adults fifty and older about their top health concerns. The responses named many of the usual suspects: cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s, vision loss, heart disease, and stroke. They’re the big, scary things that doctors have been warning us about from the moment we got our first cholesterol test.